The Sexual Assault Investigation Unit has seven trained sexual assault investigators led by Officer Elisha Durgin. Due to the very sensitive nature of sexual assault crimes, investigators undergo an extensive training program at the Massachusetts Criminal Justice Training Academy, which covers all types of sexual assaults, including rape, indecent assault & battery and child pornography.
If a sexual assault has just occurred, call 911 and a police officer will be immediately dispatched to your location to assure your safety. A sexual assault investigator will be notified to investigate the report.
If you have any questions or concerns about sexual assaults or you are unsure what types of assault or inappropriate touching are considered sexual assaults or other criminal activity, please contact:
Sergeant Elisha Durgin
If you have been sexually assaulted, remember, reporting a sexual assault may lessen the chances of it happening to others. And regardless of whether or not a criminal complaint is sought, there are many support services available to you.